Have a quick look at the mouse to your right, do you see the two mouse buttons, tell me what else? I'm sure you see a small wheel between the two buttons, a wheel used for scrolling up and down a large page inside the window.
A question prevails: "Did anyone in the world ever need this small scrollable wheel before it was invented?"
The answer is No. No one needed it. People where living happily ever after before this wheel even showed up. They had no problem using the up and down arrow keys or even using the scroll bar to the right of the browser's window.
If this is the case, if no one needed it, then "who in the world invented it and for what reason?"
Well, trying to scratch my head a bit, I believe she or he is someone who found it a tedious task to stretch her or his arms a bit and use the arrow keys, or even worse, he or she found it hard to point the mouse cursor on the scroll bar and move it up or down while holding the left mouse button.
From the previous notes, the only reason I can find for him or her who invented the scrollable mouse wheel is, he or she were in a state of laziness... in other words... laziness was the motive.
Did anyone ever need it before it was invented? No. Can anyone nowadays buy a mouse without requesting a scroll wheel, well, I'm one of the people who cant live without it. And I've seen many others who expect it as the default.
Does this apply to other inventions, in most cases, yes, the laziness motive appears much stronger than the necessity motive, as a short conclusion I could say:
"Necessity was never the mother of invention, the real mother is Laziness."
wahahaa, 7ashash biso, bass fee flow in that logic, if laziness is the drive behind invention, then how come those same "lazy" people move their asses to make an invention? it sort of defies the purpose of thier laziness :)
no truly, necessity is the mother :) but its a relative term, it might not be necessary to you, or today, but at some point and to somebody, it becoms a major necessity... ya3ni u dont need to press ctrl+V to paste, u can use the toolbar... try pasting your contacts on an excel sheet one by one!
I think it used to be the need, then at some point in time, when man invented most of the things he needs, he started inventing things that will help him be more lazy and give him a better quality of life.
3la seeret el mouse, I think there is a need to invent a replacement for the touch pad on laptops, they are still very bad compared to mice! a wheel won't hurt.
Yawlaaad il7alaaal.
On Mariam's response which said:
"Then how come some 'lazy' people move their asses to make an invention?"
This is a very surfaced question. Amal, come on, you can do better than that. I'll leave the answer to you ya shaatrah.
The "idea" is from a lazy person does not mean that this lazy person implemented it, it only means that the idea came from this lazy person.
You're also declaring a 'terminology war' between us when you said that "Necessity is a relative term". No its not a relative term, and please dont open up a terminology debate.
No one needs a center-lock system in her car, no one needs to close and open the doors with a click of a button, no one needs a seat that moves up and down electronically, no one needs a belt that wraps itself automatically around you.
Those were all suggestions put forward by lazy people, or even people whom put themselves in the shoes of lazy people.
Necessity is not the original mother, its not, its not, its not, no its not, no its not, no, its not.
I think Ali's comment puts an end to the debate as well. Yes, we could say that it started as a need, and then moved to improve the quality of life, since laziness started to grow with more and more inventions.
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