In Martial Arts, the most extreme methodology is named KungFu.
In software, they call it "Extreme Programming".
Some principals taught in Extreme Programming:
"A team is much more flexible if everyone knows enough about every part of the system to work on it. "
"You must realize that the design you envisioned was a good guide post, but is now obsolete."
"Never try to guess what the system's bottle neck will be. Measure it!"
"If only one person on your team can work in a given area and that person leaves or you just have numerous things waiting to be done in that section you will find your project's progress reduced to a crawl."
"Simple design always takes less time to finish than a complex one."
"So always do the simplest thing that could possibly work."
"If you find something that is complex replace it with something simple."
"Beware though, keeping a design simple is hard work."
"Refactor mercilessly to keep the design simple as you go and to avoid needless clutter and complexity."
"We continue to use and reuse code that is no longer maintainable because it still works in some way and we are afraid to modify it. But is it really cost effective to do so? Extreme Programming (XP) takes the stance that it is not."
"Working overtime sucks the spirit and motivation out of a team."
"Make it work, make it right, then make it fast."
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