Thursday, February 22, 2007

Stable Software

From a black box perspective, stable software boils up to the following:

1. Good usage of Version Control Systems. Branching revisions, branching features, tagging releasing, merging, detecting flaws from versions logs, histories, comments and generated diffs. After being able to use version control correctly, I'm starting to wonder how I ever by-passed such a requirement.

2. Good Bug Tracking. I'd rather call it 'good issue tracking', since its not always a bug, it could be a required future feature, a priority for the next release, a recommended third party code to use, a small research signifying or recommeding new code structures. Bottom line, being able to track the past, present and future of your software's needs.

3. Good Quality People. Not the ones that randomly click everywhere trying to spot a bug. No, I'm talking about Smart Quality People that can intelligently utilize (or even build) testing tools and automation scripts to consistently be able to test every build and every release in a convenient time without having to repeat the quality cycle all over again. In short, good quality people build good quality assembly lines that result in consistent high quality output for every minor or major release launched.

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