Wednesday, June 13, 2007

A Useful Command Prompt Tip

netstat -an |find ":80"

The above command I use so frequently. It really helps me out figure if there is a webserver running on the machine (ie. listening on port 80).

Actually, this command is a combination of two commands. The first is netstat which displays a boring long table.

The second is find "XX" which ignores all strings that dont contain "XX".

The '|' is the pipe operator. Now the command simply pipes the output of 'netstat' into 'find', the result is the line that contains the string "80".

If you're from a linux background, you'll find this post a bit too obvious. Since we're used to using the 'grep' command (which is similar to 'find' on windows).

1 comment:

ساري said...


شكراً لك من ضحية ال JBOSS ports

مفيد يا عِبس

و كما تقول... جميلز