Ok, this time its from the software industry...
Here are some very well known anti-pattern methodologies in software:
/* 1. Copy and Paste Programming: */
Copying (and modifying) existing code rather than creating generic solutions
/* 2. Golden Hammer */
Assuming that a favorite solution is universally applicable
/* 3. Tester Driven Development */
Software projects where new requirements are specified in bug reports
/* 4. Improbability factor */
Assuming that it is improbable that a known error becomes effective
/* 5. Defactoring */
The process of removing functionality and replacing it with documentation
/* 6. Premature Optimization */
Optimization on the basis of insufficient information
/* 7. Programming by permutation */
Trying to approach a solution by successively modifying the code to see if it works
/* 8. Reinventing the square wheel */
Creating a poor solution when a good one exists
/* 9. Reinventing the wheel */
Failing to adopt an existing, adequate solution
/* 10. Silver Bullet */
Assuming that a favorite technical solution can solve a larger process or problem
Ref: Copied and pasted from wikipedia