Monday, January 30, 2012

ProcessBuilder Runtime Redirecting Output and Exec uting

The following discuss details of the problem:

ProcessBuilder redirecting output

Shell redirection operators are unknown to ProcessBuilder. Put your command in a shell script and execute it, as shown here. Alternatively, use bash -c, as shown here.

Or prepending "bash -c" to the exec

How to use OutputStream for output redirection

Split a string containing command-line parameters into a String[] in Java
Wonderful answer here:

Here is a pretty easy alternative for splitting a text line from a file into an argument vector so that you can feed it into your options parser:
This is the solution:
public static void main(String[] args) {
    String myArgs = Commandline.translateCommandline("-a hello -b world -c \"Hello world\"");
    for (String arg:myArgs)

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