Wednesday, November 03, 2010

Sticky Notes Utility and More...

I've been used to using ATNotes, which is a sticky notes utility that was very light weight but had some frustrations. I'm telling you, writing your todo's on a sticky note on screen is an excellent way to keep your mind fresh and at the same time keeping all your TODOs as a reminder.

However, some frustrations with ATNotes bothered me, so I've started looking for alternatives. Usually I do this be searching on google for "ATNotes alternativeto" (without double quotes), which displays the site.

Luckily, I found a wonderful alternative which is named Stickies. I've installed it and found it great, simple, lightweight and doesn't interfere with your system or registry.

If you still need more alternatives you can check the list on

More interestingly, I found that the company that made this utility also made some interesting utilities which I name a few here:

1. Stickies (The already mentioned sticky note utility).
2. ZBar (multiple task bars for multiple screens)
3. Bart (A wonderful simple backup utility).
4. Caffeine ( A utility that simulates a key press every one minute to avoid your PC from stand by or screen saving).